MSU Library – Angling Oral History Project

Montana State University Angling Oral History Project  collects, preserves, and disseminates the histories, opinions, and stories of politicians, artists, guides, authors, and anglers from all walks of life. Interviews are freely available and searchable to anyone online through our MSU created database. (Link)  Jim Thull not only interviews our locals  Ray Ball, Matt Kulp, Walter Babb and Steve Moore  he also interviews the who’s who of the Fly fishing industry.  Two of my favorites John Gierach and Dave Hughes. He also interviews Frank Amato,  Joan Wulff and many more.

Good Fishing

Joe Hatton <((((<

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January Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey


Well it is the start of the new year and the Chapter has a new president. I would like to introduce myself, I am Ernest (Ernie) Frey. I have been in the chapter several years and have been very active with Chapter’s trout in the classroom program from its inception. Seeing the joy that having those trout in the room brings to the children is very rewarding.

This year is the Chapter’s 25 th anniversary and we are planning several activities to celebrate the event. We would like to honor the founding members with a dinner and have a Fall festival on a weekend for our younger members who cannot join us on weekdays.

The Southeast Regional Trout Unlimited meeting is scheduled for April 21 – 23 in Gatlinburg. All of the Tennessee chapters have been asked to help support the meeting. Chapters from the 8 southeastern states will be asked to attend.

All of our regular events will also be continuing, like the monthly meeting, Tie and Lie, river clean-up, trout in the classroom and last but not least park volunteering. Finally, I would like to thank Mike Bryant for his leadership of the Chapter these last 4 years and also Bill Bolinger and Dave Ezell who are rotating off the Board. They have been critical in having an active chapter. I would also like to thank Jim Jeswald who has agreed to be Secretary, Jake Comstock who was willing to take over the newsletter editor position and to all of the board members who are staying on the board.


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Trout Unlimited 2017 Southeast Regional Meeting

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

April 21 – 23, 2017

Come join us and be a part of the many faces of Trout Unlimited during a weekend of learning, making new or reconnecting with old friends and to have fun!  The 2017 TU Southeast Regional Meeting will have something for everyone.  Hear and participate in presentations on women fly fishing, engaging young adults, improving communications in our modern world and of course conservation success stories as well as new issues needing our attention.  Everyone is welcome! The Southeast Regional Meeting will be held in iconic Gatlinburg, Tennessee nestled next to the incredible Great Smoky Mountains National Park!  Enjoy the family entertainment in Gatlinburg and / or spend time in the Park fishing for wild trout only minutes away from the Glenstone Lodge. Spring time in the Smoky Mountains is magical!

For more information, please click on our Regional Meeting website,

The Mountains are Calling…The Trout are Rising…..Come Home to Tennessee!

Gatlinburg update – Gatlinburg is open for business. Downtown was spared from the damages of the wlldfire. Glenstone Lodge, which will serve as our hotel and conference center was spared as well.

Extras In additional to the main program topics listed above, planning has starting for a variety of fun and free events starting on Friday, April 21 including conservation tours, kid’s activities, and fishing.

For more information, check out our website or contact either of the meeting co-chairs John Reinhardt ( or Mike Bryant (

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