President’s Note – June 2024

It’s fishing time in the Smokies as our members who fished Norton Creek this past Saturday can attest. The article later in this newsletter highlights the attributes of a trip to Norton Creek. Speaking of fishing, please consider booking a trip with one of the local guides listed below who have supported the Little River Chapter through contributions to our annual fundraiser auction.

Tellico Outfitters –
Headwaters Outfitters –
R & R Fly Fishing –
Richard Witt Fly Fishing –
Trout Zone Anglers –

Gary Pickens and Harry Fetterman recently completed an update to our Chapter website. If you haven’t looked at the website in a while, now would be a good time to check it out. A picture gallery is being added to the website later this summer to showcase photos of members fishing or participating in various Chapter activities. Start saving photos you would like to share with the Chapter. You can also send them to Dan Spradlin ( who manages our Instagram account.

Congratulations to the Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP) Stream Barrier Survey team volunteers who recently completed Phase II of this project. These volunteers completed surveys of over 250 stream crossings which could be potential barriers to aquatic organism passage in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP). See more information in the Stream Barrier Survey section.

Now that the AOP surveys are complete, Bernie Maloy will be transitioning into the role of Tennessee Fisheries Coordinator for GSMNP and Kim Emery will assume the role of Little River Chapter Director of Volunteer Operations. Bernie will be responsible for coordination with GSMNP Fisheries Group leadership to ensure projects are properly staffed with volunteers and respond to all volunteer requests regarding opportunities with the Fisheries Group. Kim will be a single point-of-contact for members who are interested in becoming involved with volunteer opportunities, ensure frequent and clear communication with all volunteers and volunteer coordinators, and be a back-up for the volunteer coordinators. Feel free to contact any of the volunteer coordinators listed below if you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities.

Tennessee GSMNP Fisheries – Bernie Maloy (
Trout in the Classroom – Kim Emery (
Pistol Creek Clean-Up – Ernie Frey (
AOP Barrier Surveys – Bernie Maloy (
Norton Creek Projects – Daniel Spradlin (

It is a privilege to host Dr. Bernie Kuhajda, PhD from the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute as the featured speaker at the June 27 Chapter Meeting. Try and arrive early so you will have an opportunity to visit with other Chapter members, and it is a great time to talk fishing.

Bob Bishop

June 2024 Newsletter

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President’s Note – May 2024

Little River Chapter members accomplished over 4,200 hours of volunteer service this past year. Our Chapter provided 1,942 hours of volunteer support to Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) Fisheries which is an increase of 32% from the previous year.  LRCTU also provided over 900 hours of volunteer labor supporting youth education initiatives such as Trout in the Classroom.  Additionally, LRCTU spent $22,543 on conservation, science, and monitoring projects.  It should be recognized the above numbers are more than statistics.  These numbers are a testament to LRCTU’s commitment to conserve, protect, and restore the coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in and around GSMNP and to promote conservation through youth education.  Thanks to all of our volunteers who supported one or more of our Chapter’s projects.

June is fast approaching which means it’s time to prepare for the John Thurman Trout Adventure Camp held at Tremont Institute from June 17 – 22.  Many of you have already volunteered to assist with one or more of the Trout Camp activities.  There are still volunteers needed to support casting instruction followed by fishing with a camper on the Middle Prong Little River on Tuesday, June 18.  This is an all-day event beginning at 9:00 a.m. and finishing around 5:30 p.m.  If you are interested in supporting this activity or would like additional information regarding any Trout Camp activity, contact Bob Bishop at or visit the website at

The May Chapter Meeting will feature a presentation by Ben Fields on Euro-nymphing techniques.  Ben is a videographer for Dorsal Outdoors and produced films for the Fly Fishing Film Festival.  Ben always brings a high level of excitement with his presentation.  The informational session following Ben’s presentation will be a brief summary of LRCTU’s Annual Report submitted to TU National.  This will be an opportunity to learn a little more about our Chapter.

I, along with the other LRCTU Board members, would like to express our appreciation to Jim Jeswald and Jimmy Jones whose terms on the LRC Board of Directors expired in March.  Jim Jeswald has been instrumental in supporting our Trout in the Classroom programs and will continue to work with schools in the Lenoir City and West Knoxville areas, as well as the TIC Committee.  Jimmy Jones has been a featured tyer at numerous Tie & Lie events including the Townsend Fall Festival and was heavily involved in updating our Chapter bylaws.  Thanks to Jim and Jimmy for their dedication to LRCTU.

Bob Bishop


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Vice President’s Note – April 2024

My first month as VP and I’ve been deserted while Bob and Sarah enjoy a very long and fabulous meandering trip. I hope we get great pictures when they return.

I had the choice of writing the President’s notes or not for this month. I decided it was a good time to kind of introduce myself in my new capacity and explain a little about how I got here. I have been on many boards and committees. Some I have enjoyed and some I have not, but never have I felt so privileged and excited to have been asked to take on this role.

Fly fishing began when my brother Roy asked if I wanted to share a day with him on fly fishing instruction in the fall of 2012. Being up for anything, I said yes. We arrived at Headwaters Outfitters when it was a quiet place. We did all the beginner stuff, then went to the river. Very much like today when I go to the river, I didn’t catch a thing.

The gentleman I was with informed me that fishermen never tell a lie, but they will tell a tall tale every now and then. It was then we hatched the plan to tell Roy I had caught a 14 inch rainbow. This made Roy a bit grumbly since we each had a bit of a competitive side. Didn’t tell him any different until I headed off to bed.

My brother started me on an adventure that would eventually change my entire life. That day, something inside of me came to life. I had always loved the river, but now I was in love with it. I realized standing in the middle of a river any time was a great day. Going out to fish would always make for adventure!

As with rivers, my life took many turns over the years, with a few rapids and riffles, pools and runs. I found new friends and connected them with my old friends. I began attending Little River Chapter meetings and added even more new friends. I have found the people I encounter are anxious to share knowledge, supportive of any learning process, and great to work with. I also learned that fishing was not the only thing I loved about water. There were bugs! Then there was fly tying, then…..well, you get the picture.

Now for current day! It’s time for Trout in the Classroom releases. If you have never volunteered for this, it takes only a couple of hours of your morning and I can guarantee you will be really glad you did. We could use your help this spring. You can contact Joyce Frey and let her know when you are available.

Here’s hoping your adventures are many!

Kim Emery
Rookie VP

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