December Newsletter

President’s Corner

by Steve Darnell


Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

As we embark into 2021, I would like to congratulate Steve Young as President
Elect of the Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Steve is not a stranger to
our membership; he has been our Vice President for 2020 and the coordinator
for the Trout Camp for many years. Steve is a steeped GSMNP Fisheries
Volunteer and served as a Team Leader for the Acid Deposition Sampling
Program as well. His experiences within Trout Unlimited on the local level as
well as the regional level will serve us well. Congratulations to our other
officers; Vice President Bob Bishop, Treasure Stan Starkey and Secretary
Tristen Smith. I am confident that the future of LRCTU is in good hands.
On a personal note, thanks to Ernie Frey for mentoring me as President this
past year. 2020 has been an unprecedented year, and I thank you for your
support and patience. We all look forward to 2021 as we try new methods of
12/20/20, 5:33 PMengagement with each other in the interim and anticipate life returning to normal in the future. Be safe and stay healthy. Thanks for all you do!

Steven Darnell, 2020 President LRCTU

From the Board

We are pleased to present the Officers and Board Members for 2021.
President – Steve Young
Vice President – Bob Bishop
Secretary – Tristen Smith
Treasurer – Stan Starkey
Board Members:
Trout in the Classroom Coordinator – Jim Jeswald
Volunteer Coordinator / Financial Reviewer – Richard Barnes
Programs Coordinator – NEED A VOLUNTEER
Trips Coordinator / Membership – Larry Davis
Webmaster – Joe Hatton
Communications / Newsletter – Joyce Frey
Past President – Steve Darnell
At Large: Chantelle Fortier
Jim Jollay
Jimmy Jones

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November 2020 Newsletter

The Presidents Corner


The Holiday Season is upon us, the time when we not forget the food. All three of those items mean even more this year. We ponder even more how important our families are during these challenging times. Cling to those we love not so much with our arms but with our thoughts and prayers. We can hug them later when it’s safer. Faith is also so important right now. We all need someone to lean on when there is more questions than answers. And lets not forget the food not only for ourselves but for those who are in need. Have a Wonderful Holiday Season, be safe, stay positive and test negative.

We need your input. We want to know what you want to see and want to do in 2021 while times are so challenging. Are you interested in learning new skills through Zoom meetings and if so, what do you want to learn? Are you interested in outdoor meetings and activities and if so, what would that activity be? Do you want to go fishing with a small group, hike a new stream, learn how to identify aquatic insects, or learn how to tie fishing knots? We really want to know how to engage with you. We have a lot to share with each other and if you want to be the instructor, that’s great too! Just because we are, all about fishing doesn’t mean that a group wouldn’t be interested in photography. I love to take pictures of my fish but they could be much better pictures! Give us your thoughts and help us craft a 2021 program tailor made just for you.

We also need volunteers more than ever! I don’t say this in desperation but because the more you invest in an organization the more you get out of the experience. We want more people, and new people to be involved and engaged in making a vibrant program for our members. Be a part of something great.

Happy Holidays
Steve Darnell, President LRCTU

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Notification of Annual Meeting and Officer Elections

The Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Notification of Annual Meeting and Officer Elections December 18, 2020.

Greeting to all and Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are safe and doing well.

Typically, we elect new officers at the December meeting. Unfortunately, we must cancel our December meeting due to Covid19. This has been an unprecedented year for all families and organizations. Therefore, the Board of Directors has made the decision to hold the election via email in 2020. In the next few days, a slate of Chapter Officers and Board of Directors will be forwarded to you for your consideration. Nominations can also be made from the Chapter membership. The nominations will be added to the slate, and a ballot will be distributed. The election will be held by email and ballots will be tabulated on December 18, 2020. The results will be announced the following day.

We look forward to 2021 with excitement as we craft new ways to engage and share with each other.

Thanks for all you do.

Steven Darnell

LRCTU President

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