P r e s i d e n t ’ s C o r n e r
Mike Bryant (mjbryant1954@hotmail.com)
I think I’ve fished our tailwaters more this summer than I have collectively over the past decade. I’ve always wanted to fish tailwaters in the past, but for a variety of reasons it just didn’t happen all that often. Last spring, Bill ad I hit the caddis hatch on the Holston. This summer, I have fished the South Holston and the Caney Fork, mostly the Caney. The Caney seems to be loaded with fish, and some big fish. While I haven’t caught any of the huge fish yet, I’ve seen them. I watched one very large brown open his mouth and eat my #22 midge pattern. I waited a split second, lifted the rod tip to set the hook and immediately felt…. nothing. Somehow that small hook didn’t find its mark. I’m sure it wasn’t operator error!! But despite missing that large fish, it was a good day of fishing. I learned a new stretch of the Caney and caught a bunch of browns, rainbows and even a brookie. On another earlier trip to the Caney, John and I had to opportunity to wade fish in the middle section. There was a nice long riffle. A #16 soft hackle pattern was the ticket to fooling a lot of 12”-14” rainbows that fought hard. Upstream of the riffle, a small pod of 14”-16” fish were schooled up in a small slick less than a foot deep actively feeding. I switched a small #18 pheasant tail. After catching and releasing 4-5 fish, the pod of fish decided they weren’t hungry anymore. All in all, a good day of fishing.
I’m currently gearing up for a trip out west to fish the Smith and Missouri Rivers. Fishing out west is always a fun experience. The scenery is so different and beautiful. The possibility of big trout and fishing with friends is always one of life’s good moments.
Last month, we awarded the 2015 Eddy George Award to Steve Van Vleet for his outstanding volunteer contributions. With the award comes a custom made fly rod to be built by Steve Moore. Congratulations and thank you to Steve for all his efforts to help the Park.
Also, many thanks to Charity Rutter for a great program last month on fishing and enjoying the great outdoors in Yellowstone and the Rockies.
I am hoping for cooler temperatures and some rain so you’ll have the opportunity to get back into the Park this fall. Be safe.