Author Archives: lrctu644

January Chapter Meeting

 January 24 meeting.   Steve Moore and Matt Kulp from the GSMNP will share a program on upcoming conservation efforts that are near and dear to our hearts. This will set the stage for our volunteer efforts for the park … Continue reading

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Fly Recipe Database

Our friends to the south the T.U. Chattahoochee / Nantahala Chapter #692  has a really good Fly Recipe database. (Link) It is broken up in to several pages like Appalachian, Attractor, Bead Head, Biots, Caddis, Dry, Dun, Emerger, Indicator, Mayfly, … Continue reading

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ACME Mapper 2.0

A new link has been added to the Links column to the right.  I know there is Google maps and lots of other  map websites out there,  but  ACME Mapper 2.0 gives us the USGS  topo maps for free.  I have … Continue reading

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