February Meeting



Ok—I think I have built up enough ‘Winter Wisdom’ (ala Oscar Wilde), I want to put it to use!!  But I checked the air temperature at the house this morning—in the mid-20s.  There is still snow on the mountains which means mostly cold melt water getting to the mountain streams. I also checked water temperatures this morning—Cataloochee in the mid-30s and Little River, high-30s. Even the eternal optimist Byron Begley, in his daily fishing blog the day of this writing, said that ‘don’t expect good fishing’.  Bah, humbug!  But, having said that there are folks out there doin’ good.  Charity posted a pic of recent rainbow she caught while out in the Park (would you expect anything less?) and I have a friend who is a newbie to fly fishing, but is hooked, mostly because of recent success on the Holston.  So, there are fishable places out there. I hope you have been able to find some!  

This month’s chapter meeting presenter is Britteny Whipple of Keep Blount Beautiful.  This is particularly timely because Keep Blount Beautiful, through the efforts of Britteny, has joined us in our Pistol Creek cleanup efforts.  She has been responsible for getting the word out to local media and other area conservation groups (we just got a plug from the Little River Watershed Alliance).  I look forward to hearing about the group she heads as well as working with Keep Blount Beautiful and other groups to expand our Pistol Creek Cleanup effort. And with time, maybe we can get some increased participation in our annual Little River cleanup in the Park.

Our Trout in the Classroom program continues to move forward.  The word is spreading of the success of TIC; we now have 4 schools on the waiting list.  We want to incorporate these schools but need volunteer help to make their wish a reality.  Contact Jim Jeswald if you are interested.

Tight Lines!

Steve Y 

Brittany Whipple, Executive Director of Keep Blount Beautiful

Brittany Whipple, Executive Director of Keep Blount Beautiful is going to talk about what Keep Blount Beautiful does and how they work with other non-profits to help keep Blount County clean and beautiful. Social hour starts at 6:00 pm, program starts at 7:00 pm.  See you there!


The Little River Watershed Association is joining forces with the Little River Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Keep Blount Beautiful for a cleanup of the Little River and its tributaries after the winter stocking season. Timings are Saturday, March 26th from 9am to 12pm. We will meet at the Blount County Courthouse at 9 am and will cleanup Pistol Creek around Bicentennial Park. Trash bags, gloves, pickers, safety vests, and a limited number of waders will be provided. Volunteers are encouraged to wear long pants and closed-toed shoes that can get wet. 

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January Meeting



With the New Year often come resolutions.  Some of us get ‘into it’ and write them down with intermediate goals and check boxes with plans to really do it.  Others stick things in the back of our mind that we would like to, and may even, get to (and sometimes even complete!!).  Whatever form of resolution person you are, I hope you add one or more of the volunteer activities in which the Little River Chapter is involved to your list of New Year’s commitments.  None of the projects originating in or coming thru LRCTU go anywhere without volunteer involvement; this means the Chapter, and these activities, need YOU!

One activity that sorely needs some extra help is our immensely successful Trout in the Classroom Program.  We are at 13 tanks and could add a couple more if we had the volunteer manpower.  We particularly need someone to step up and manage the program.  Things like ordering materials, checking on eggs availability, setting up release days and their associated activities are among the things that need a leader to get done.  None of it is rocket science, just requires some interest and energy.  If you would like to help, contact Jim Jeswald (jmjes711@gmail.com).

Another activity is our long running GSMNP Fisheries-related projects.  As I write this, ‘water sampling Saturday’ for January is coming up.  January is a pretty drab time of year; no leaves on the trees (excepting the Rhododendron and Evergreens!) mostly green-grey, brown-grey, and plain grey colors.  But still it is a way to get outdoors, take a hike, and help the group the Chapter was chartered to support.  Contact Richard Barnes (canceleer1@gmail.com).

The next 10-day forecast is not super positive for mountain fishing conditions; high temps in the 30s and 40s with lows in the 20s and teens—b-r-r-r ☹!!  Maybe time to dig out my trout spey rod and try some tailwaters.  How about you; do you have some cold weather alternative fishing spots?

Tight Lines!

– Steve Y

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Don’t let the sun go down without saying thank you to someone, and without admitting to yourself that absolutely no one gets to this point on their own.—Stephen King


The end of 2021 nears—as with most I am irresistibly moved to look back over the year and find things to be thankful for. The picture above is something I am reminded of almost every day because I get this or similar views on the way to our house outside of Dandridge. We came here in part for the Nature Sanctuary that is the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and the Southern Appalachians in general. When we first moved here nearly ten years ago, I hoped that I would never take this view or those like it for granted. I can say honestly and thankfully that I still am stirred each time a view like this pops up in front of me.

My other point of thanks is the group of folks that make the Little River Chapter go. I remember that 2021 started out as a continuation of the deeply frustrating 2020 with remoteness the key word. But I am gratified by all things we have been able to accomplish between then and now. Zoom meetings, while frustrating, did have good and informative programs, our Park water sampling and Brook Trout Restoration Programs continued, albeit on a reduced scale, we were able to have cleanups both on the Little River and Pistol Creek, we met ‘live’ for the first time in nearly 18 months with a well-attended picnic at River John’s, we had a campout at the Cataloochee in the fall, our newly-conceived online Auction was ‘birthed’ and was very successful, our TIC program was active again, and our newsletter continues to be a great communication tool for our ‘extended’ LRCTU family; there are more activities I am sure that have escaped me. My real point is that none of these activities could have happened without 1) someone to step up and get it organized, and 2) people to come out to help and enjoy the fellowship along with the positive ‘vibes’ that came from participating. Most of these activities have been led by the members of our Board of Directors; folks that I am deeply grateful who make the chapter move forward.

It is time to reaffirm that group of people. The time for the nomination and voting on the Chapter Board of Directors through the nomination and voting process is now. The nominations are in and are listed below; we have a couple of new members and an open slot that needs to be filled.

Steve Young–President
Bob Bishop–Vice President
Stan Starkey–Treasurer
Tristan Smith—Secretary
Kim Pouncey (new)—Program Coordinator
Jim Jeswald–TIC Coordinator
Larry Davis–Trips Coordinator, Online Auction Coordinator
Richard Barnes–Volunteer Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Financial Reviewer
Joyce Frey—Newsletter Editor
Steve Darnell—Past President
Jimmy Jones—Board Member
Jim Jollay—Board Member
Gary Pickett (new)—Website Coordinator
?????—Board Member

This list will be brought forward to the members at the January meeting at the Bluetick Tavern. If you have additional nominees you wish to bring forward either notify me at steve_y@earthlink.net or at the meeting in January. Whatever your choice, please take the time to thank these people for their leadership and service over the past couple of years.

Hope to see you in January!
Tight Lines!

Steve Y

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