Trout Camp Approaching – Volunteers Needed

Thirteen kids (eleven boys and two girls) will be
attending this year’s summer camp and once again
are going to need your help as fishing and fly tying
mentors. We have a number of people already
signed up but need more, particularly experienced
mountain stream fishers. The following shows
days and time slots we need to fill and the number
of people we need:

Tuesday, June 18 (12:30 – 4:00)
We would like to have four more people to assist
Paula Begley with the fly-casting lesson at LRO and
fish with the kids for about two hours on Little River.

We also need one more volunteer to help with
Tuesday night fly tying (6:45 – 9:00).

Wednesday, June 19 (12:45 – 4:00)

We will fish all afternoon on Wednesday and need
eight more fishing mentors.

We need two fly tying helpers for the evening tying
session (6:45 – 9:00).

Thursday, June 20
We need one more fly tying mentor (6:45 – 9:00).

Friday, June 21 (8:30 – 3:00)
We will be fishing all day and need nine more fishing
mentors. We will break the kids and mentors up
into small groups and spread them out among several
fishing venues – probably Sam’s Branch,Thunderhead,
Middle Prong, West Prong and Little River.

We will need two more folks to help with Friday night fly tying.

If you can help, please contact
John Thurman at 865-494-7771
e-mail at:

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