President’s Corner
Ernie Frey
With the New Year comes some changes. We will be meeting at a new location, Barley’s Maryville, which is located in downtown Maryville next to the parking garage. The meeting date has also changed. We will be meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month except for January, July and the end of the year holiday season. In July we will have our normal picnic meeting at River John’s and our end of the year meeting will be December 4 th .
The January meeting will be on the Monday the 22 nd , another change, with social hour starting at 6 and meeting at 7. For those who like adult beverages, social hour will also be happy hour. Wait staff will take your orders when you arrive and intend to bring your check with your meal so payment can be made and finalized easily.
This is also the time for New Year’s resolutions. I don’t know about you but I haven’t thought too much about it. I would like to fish more this year but that isn’t anything special and I haven’t finished my bamboo rod which I was supposed to finish last year. That would be a good project to finish.
Dennis Baxter will be the speaker for the January meeting. Dennis is the past president of the Clinch Chapter and is a biologist for TVA. He will be talking about the biology of tailwaters.
The Chapter is still looking for a vice-president, who wants to be president next
Hope to see you at the new meeting place!