Category Archives: Uncategorized

October Meeting

P r e s i d e n t ’ s C o r n e r Newsletter Jan and I recently returned home after a month long trip to Alaska. The trip was phenomenal and met all of our … Continue reading

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Delayed Harvest Season is upon us

Delayed Harvest Areas In the areas listed below, the harvest or possession of trout is prohibited during the catch-and-release season and only artificial lures are permitted and the use or possession of bait is prohibited.   Hiwassee River:  October 1 … Continue reading

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September Meeting

Roger Lowe Presents  Smokies Patterns at the Sept Meeting Newsletter Our presenter for our Thursday, September 25, 2014, meeting at Calhoun’s in Maryville will be Roger Lowe. Please join us from 6-7pm for dinner and fellowship (dinner not required) followed … Continue reading

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