Category Archives: Uncategorized

February Meeting

STREAMS OF THOUGHT—NOTES FROM THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT WISDOM COMES WITH WINTERS. — Oscar Wilde Ok—I think I have built up enough ‘Winter Wisdom’ (ala Oscar Wilde), I want to put it to use!!  But I checked the air temperature at … Continue reading

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January Meeting

STREAMS OF THOUGHT—NOTES FROM THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT Newsletter With the New Year often come resolutions.  Some of us get ‘into it’ and write them down with intermediate goals and check boxes with plans to really do it.  Others stick things … Continue reading

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FISHING THOUGHT OF THE MONTHDon’t let the sun go down without saying thank you to someone, and without admitting to yourself that absolutely no one gets to this point on their own.—Stephen King Newsletter The end of 2021 nears—as with … Continue reading

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