Author Archives: lrctu644

Great Opportunity to Help

The 2020 Acid Deposition Water Sampling and Fisheries Activities meeting has been scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 9am. It will be held at the Park Service Twin Creek Science Center. The Center is easy to access and maps … Continue reading

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January Meeting

Matt A. Kulp the Supervisory Fishery Biologist at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Will be giving his annual  ‘State of the Fisheries’ update to our chapter. Matt will discuss ongoing research and restoration projects in the park and opportunity’s … Continue reading

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The Christmas Trout

I came across a Christmas story  by Mike Altzer on the Sporting Classics Daily “Mind you, it’s not that I couldn’t fish; it’s just that I didn’t have the heart to do it. For you see, we had always fished … Continue reading

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