President’s Note – November 2022

I don’t know who the fisherman is, but I wonder if he’s using an Elk Hair Caddis?!

The mission of the Little River Chapter is to conserve, protect and restore the coldwater fisheries and their watersheds in and around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  The upcoming LRCTU On-Line Auction is a great opportunity to continue and strengthen our commitment to the GSMNP Fisheries Department.  The auction opens on November 21st and closes on December 15th.  Participation in this year’s auction has been outstanding with over 80 donations from TU members, local guides, and fly shops.  At least 80% of the proceeds from the auction will go directly to the GSMNP Fisheries Department.  There will be an opportunity to view most of the auction items at the December Chapter Meeting at the Chilhowee Women’s Club on the Maryville College Campus.  See more information about the December meeting below.  Please help spread the word about the LRCTU Auction to family, friends, and colleagues.

Bob Bishop,

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President’s Note – October 2022 Swan Song

Friend something better than chocolate ice cream… Maybe friend somebody you give up last cookie for. – ‘Cookie Monster’ from the Muppets 

Although I have tried to keep the news from spreading too much and maybe sneak away, Richard and Bob would not allow it; so, some who attended the September meeting know what I am passing on now.  This will be my last column as President (and active member of LRCTU); my wife and I are heading west following the Oregon Trail to be closer to our sons and other family.  Not something that we had planned on so soon but we decided to make the move while we are still healthy and active and before all our grandchildren grow up.

The montage above really summarizes one of the main things I will cherish about our 10 years in east Tennessee; the many activities with my TU friends. When we came ‘east’ I didn’t know how I would spend my time, but the Park would be a focus.   From the first IBI at Elkmont to the last 3-pass IBI at Little River, from Charlie C to Richard B the volunteer work of the Little River Chapter has been a core activity to me.  This led to my involvement with chapter members and involvement with other activities in the Park (including fishing!!).  These are precious experiences which have provided great memories; thanks to all of you that helped make them.

The transition to the new leadership has been gradual.  Bob Bishop agreed to be Vice President some 2 years ago and I told him of our moving plans 9 months ago.  He readily agreed to stay on and replace me as Chapter President; he has enthusiastically embraced leadership roles in the Chapter, particularly working with Larry on the Auction.  I know the Chapter is in good hands as y’all go forward.  Also, our Board of Directors has been very instrumental in keeping the Chapter humming over the last two years; when I have looked over my shoulder they have been there supporting and leading—a rewarding feeling for me.

Finally, to all the members of Little River Chapter; while the activities we have participated in together have been rewarding, it has been the relationships that have developed through those times together that I will remember—and miss.  Best wishes to all!

PS—from my early research on fishing in Oregon, ‘Steelhead’ will be become a major word in my vocabulary! 

Tight Lines—Steve Y

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Updated Newsletters Posted

Chapter newsletters for September, October, and November are posted, links below.

September 2022

October 2022

November 2022

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