index The Complete Angler is a film by James Prosek , and produce by Fritz Mitchell  It documents Prosek’s travels as he walks in the footsteps of the 17th century English writer, Izaak Walton—”research” for his senior thesis at Yale. The film focuses on Walton’s book, The Compleat Angler,  as Prosek told the Yale fellowship committee the book is third most frequently reprinted book in the English language and a book that many have heard of but few have actually read. The Compleat Angler was first published in 1653, but Walton continued to add to it for a quarter of a century.  It is a celebration of the art and spirit of fishing.  James Prosek in the movie goes to England and fishes in the footsteps of the legitimate seventeenth-century author.  The movie is 43 minutes long and well worth seeing. I did find the book to be a hard read so I did the next best thing I found the audible version which you can listen to here (link). You can also find the movie’s companion book The Complete Angler: A Connecticut Yankee Follows in the Footsteps of Walton by James Prosek here (link). With the warm weather coming I hope this encourages you to get out on to a stream.

Good Fishing

Joe <((((<

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March Membership Meeting

President’s Corner

Mike Bryant (

March Newsletter

Jan and I spent a week in southern Florida in February.  The weather for the most part was good. Even on the couple of days it rained, the high temperatures were still in the mid-60’s. It’s all relative I guess. Mid-60’s in Tennessee I’ll have a T-shirt on. Mid-60’s in Florida (after three days in the 80’s and sun) I’m wearing fleece. Go figure. Anyway we had a great time.  We fished a bit, but without a boat or kayak our options were limited. But the good news is I struck a friendship with Rich who fly fishes and owns a flats boat.  I’m already looking forward to next year.  We met when he saw that I was tying flies on the picnic bench by our camper. He stopped his truck in the middle of the road to see what I was tying! I’m seriously thinking about buying kayaks for Jan and I.  I could haul a couple of kayaks in my truck while towing the camper, and we could use them just about anywhere. So I’m in the research mode. Anyway, I would definitely appreciate any experiences and comments on types / makes.

Meanwhile, back in east Tennessee,  Josh and I manage to chase some of the big browns in the Park.  Well, actually it was more like me spooking big browns. I have a lot to learn when comes to stalking, hooking and landing big browns.

 Many thanks to Ian and Charity Rutter (R&R Flyfishing) for a great program on Hazel Creek!  The more I learn and the more I’m fascinated by the history, culture and opportunities in our area.

Upcoming Events

New Chapter Fishing Trip Opportunity – Mike McKinsey is organizing our first Chapter fishing trip of the year. Currently scheduled for Saturday, March 23, Mike is designing a day of fishing in the Park where folks can buddy up with someone new. This is a great opportunity for folks new to fishing in the Park to pair up with more experienced members of the Chapter.  Take advantage of the opportunity to either learn or teach someone.  Please contact Mike McKinsey at or mobile 865-806-0761 to sign up or if you have any questions.

Southeastern Fly Fishing Festival – For those who were able to attend the February Membership meeting heard Marvin Cash (SEC – FFF President) discuss the upcoming Fly Fishing Festival being held on Friday & Saturday, May 17-18. The event will be held at the Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC.  The Festival promises to be a great time and a great opportunity to learn as well. More information will be posted at  Our Chapter will have a booth attempting to raise funds for future brook trout restoration in the GSMNP.  This will be a shared fundraiser with the Southeastern Council of the FFF.  I believe Marvin and his leadership are still looking for regional fly tiers to tie at the event, so if you are interested, please let me know.

Upcoming River Clean-up – Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 20.  We will hold our annual Little River Clean-up. More details to come, but given our Chapter’s mission is to preserve and protect watersheds in the Park, this is a great way to give and contribute. Consider bring a kid – this is a great opportunity to get kids out into the Park and expose them to the concept of service.

March Membership Meeting

At the March 28 Membership Meeting, we’re going to do something a little different. The meeting will be held at the Orvis Store in Sevierville.  Our Chapter covers a fairly wide geographical area, and this is an opportunity to hold one of our meetings to the eastern end of our range.

This will be a fun event.  First, the folks at Orvis are going to be grilling dinner outside – burgers, hot dogs, and chips, and soda.  Then we’ll have the opportunity to cast new rods down on the Pigeon River, (including the new, latest and great Orvis fly rods), check on other new gear and ask questions.

  • 5:00 – Casting rods start time

  • 6:00 – Dinner served

  • 7:00 – Short Membership Meeting

We’ll see you at the March meeting.  As always, if you have a question or comment, please email or call me. Be safe and it’s time to fish.



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Fish the Park with a “New” Buddy

Little River Chapter of TU will have it’s first fishing trip of the year on Saturday March 23rd.  We will meet at Little River Outfitters at 9:00 AM and pair up to fish the Smoky. The chapter  will provide you a biscuit and coffee. If you are new to fly fishing or inexperienced fishing the park, we will try to pair you up with a seasoned veteran. We encourage all to attend our first event this year. The park is traditionally exceptional with Quill Gordons, Blue Quills, and other bugs appearing on the water this time of the year and don’t forget the other ingredient, HUNGRY TROUT.  Please contact Mike McKinsey at or mobile 865-806-0761 to sign up or if you have any questions.

We would like to have an accurate count so please don’t forget to sign up.

Hope to see you there.



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