February Meeting

President’s Corner
Mike Bryant (mjbryant1954@hotmail.com)


I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions.I guess subconsciously I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep them. But I normally do take a couple of minutes to think about the year ahead and set some goals. I find it helpful that a little thought an d planning goes a long way to staying focused on my priorities and not let the countless everyday demands that we all face get in the way. So making a kind of mental list of things I want to accomplish helps keep me on track. Regarding flyfishing, my goal is to lace up my wading boots to fish in the Park at least a hundred times this year. I plan to earnestly start exploring and fishing a couple of our local tailwaters (probably the Clinch, Holston or the South Holston).  I plan to continue chasing brookies at least once at Greenbrier. And Jan and I will be expanding ourfishing opportunities with our fishing kayaks. This will be on top of trips planned to the Everglades and Alaska. Looks to be a busy year (just the way I like it)!

Regarding our Chapter plans, we will be expanding our activities from last year, including a Troutfest Banquet and Auction (April 25), expanded Chapter trips and developing a youth education program. By our very nature, folks who fish are optimists and we have a lot to be excited and optimistic about this coming year. We are building on our successes and but we can only be successful in the future with your help.

I mentioned earlier that Jan and I will be spending some time in the Everglades.  I’ve bought several books on backcounty fly fishing and tying saltwater patterns.  For those who like to tie their own flies, one book I would recommend is Drew Chicone’s “Feather Brain – Developing, Testing & Im proving Saltwater Fly Patterns”. Drew does a nice job of introducing some new techniques, new materials and fly patterns. Though aimed at saltwater flyfishing, much of the information is applicable to cold and warmwater fly designs we use in our part of the world. This isn’t a beginner’s book, but one worth having in your library.

The Troutfest Committee is busy planning the April 25 Troutfest Banquet and Auction. This will be our major fundraiser with proceeds going to the GSMNP. So hold that date, make sure you buy your tickets and bring a friend. Check out the article below for more information. I’m ready for Spring! I hope to see you at the February meeting.

Be safe.

In the spirit of trying something new, our February 27 meeting will be held at Calhouns restaurant in Maryville (across from the Target store). Meeting at Calhouns will enable folks to have dinner before the meeting. This is a great opportunity for folks to come straight from work and / or folks who travel a bit longer distance. The food is good and reasonable.

Please note – you are not obligated to order dinner to attend the meeting. All are welcome whether you have dinner or not. The February meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. The back room will be open for TU members as early as 6:00 p.m. for dinner if you chose to eat there. Rick Murphree (Tennessee TU Council President) will be our program speaker discussing TU activities in our state. The restaurant is located in the same complex asTarget, in Maryville, at the intersection of Highway 129 & Highway 321 next to Smoky Mountain Brewery. Join us for dinner with our program beginning at 7 p.m.

The topic for this month’s meeting will be an update on Trout Unlimited activities in the state of Tennessee: Including, upcoming activities, conservation, brook trout restoration and other financially supported state programs.

Our speaker will be Rick Murphree. Rick has been involved with Trout Unlimited for 30 years. Over the past 18 months Rick has served as chairman of the Tennessee Council of Trout Unlimited. Rick has served as Tennessee’s representative to Trout Unlimited’s National Resource Board, the predecessor to the current National Leadership Council. From 2004-2010 he served as a grassroots member of the TU National Board of Trustees, was selected as one of the inaugural members to the Board.

Rick retired in 2013 from the First Tennessee Bank. He and his wife Gracie live in Knoxville and enjoy traveling in their camper and spending time with their 3 grandsons. Come and enjoy bbq and/or your favorite beverage and this Trout Unlimited update.

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Annual Breakfast Meeting on the Acid Deposition Sampling Program

When and Where?

Saturday February 22, 9:00 AM at the Park Service Twin Creeks Science Center in Gatlinburg

A map showing access to the location of the facility can be found on the link below.


What is the Meeting about? 

Each year we have a meeting with volunteers for the Acid Deposition Sampling Program. With 20 years of data and the retirement of Steve Moore, the creator of the program, we will be reviewing the history and reflecting on the results of the data and changes in air emissions.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone wanting to help gather samples this coming 12 months.

  • Anyone interested in learning about the program or the results of the past 20 years of sampling is invited to attend. 

Meeting Agenda

  • Breakfast is free.

  • A short history of the program.

  • Data trends over the 20 years of sampling.

For those who will volunteer to sample we will continue with the following:

  • A short training overview of the process .

  • A draft sampling schedule of volunteers will be prepared.

The meeting is expected to finish by noon or earlier.

Please contact Charlie Chmielewski at 865-661-7325 or by e-mail at charlieflyfish@gmail.com if:

  • You will attend the meeting (head count needed for food)

  • You want more information about the meeting or the program 

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January Chapter Meeting

President’s Corner

Mike Bryant (mjbryant1954@hotmail.com)


Well, the holidays are behind us. It’s been a busy couple of months for Jan and me. Lots of time with family, a trip out west to New Mexico and Arizona before settling down in Townsend. Even though my fishing slows down a bit at this time of year, I’ve been busy.


I scrambled to finish a nice 7’- 9”, 3 weight rod to give to Jan as a Christmas present. Late delivery of the epoxy needed to finish the wraps had me carefully (and secretively) applying thin coats of epoxy on Christmas Eve and wrapping the rod early Christmas morning. It work out in the end, and Jan was both surprised and thrilled with her new rod.


It definitely looks like 2014 is going to be a busy year for our Chapter. As we noted in last month’s newsletter, the BOD has agreed to hold our Troutfest Banquet on Friday, April 25. This will be our major fundraiser for the year and we will need your help in the planning and execution of the event and well as attending the banquet.


We have a special opportunity to send one of our youths to the 2014 Trout Camp next June. The cost to attend is $495 per student. Believing that the education of our youth is critically important in the development of future conservation leaders, the LRCTU BOD has agreed to provide $400 in tuition assistance to reducing the cost for one of our LRCTU youths to only $95. This assistance is limited to on youth and the application must be received by March 1.


The planning for Steve Moore’s retirement celebration continues. The dinner event is scheduled for February 1 at the River Plantation in Seviereville. I believe cutoff for reservation is January 17, so don’t procrastinate if you plan on attending.


Our membership meeting is Thursday, January 23. Matt Kulp of the GSMNP Fisheries Dept. will be our presenter discussing Park current and future conservation efforts. I hope to see you there.


Time flies when you’re having fun. It’s hard to believe I’m already starting my second year as the Chapter President. I’m truly excited about the year ahead of us. Happy New Year, stay warm and be safe!



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