Meet Us In Gatlinburg April 21-23!

We’re less than two weeks away from the biggest regional Trout Unlimited gathering on the East Coast—are you joining us?

On behalf of TU national staff and the Tennessee Council, we couldn’t be more excited about the 2017 Southeast Regional Meeting, April 21-23 in Gatlinburg. The agenda is final and our registration numbers are soaring, thanks to all the great volunteers in this region who are setting a precedent of excellence and a commitment to the great work TU does in the Southeast.

To make sure we have an accurate count for our meals at the event, please register right away if you haven’t done so, and encourage anyone you know who wants to attend to register also, by clicking here.

Here are a few housekeeping items:

* Ten rooms have opened up at the rendezvous center Glenstone Lodge, available first come, first served. If you act fast, you can reserve a room at our discounted price of $89. To reserve online click here, then choose Rates and Reservations and enter the group code TROUT—or you can call in your reservations at (800) 362-9522. The special rate also applies three days before and after the event.

* If you’ve already reserved a room and are interested in cutting your cost by sharing an open bed, please post a message offering the space on the Southeast Community Forum on the TU online community page. If you have questions about joining the forum, please email Doug Agee, TU’s Online Community Manager.

* Friday Fishing Day registrations are growing fast! To reserve your spot, please make sure that you indicated your interest in fishing on your online registration, or that you’ve spoken with Rob Shane directly, telling him you want to fish. We are doing our best to accommodate what is already a large group and would appreciate having an exact head count ahead of time. If you have signed up for fishing and have returned your questionnaire to Rob, you will be hearing from your host within the coming week; if you haven’t returned your questionnaire, please do so as soon as possible.

* The Brook Trout Restoration Tour on Friday is another great way to enjoy time in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It’s led by Matt Kulp, supervisory fishery biologist for the park, and Charlie Chmielewski, a TU member who organizes volunteers in the park (and has been named a Field & Stream Magazine Hero of Conservation for his work). After a presentation, we’ll visit restoration sites and see trout electrofished from LeConte Creek. For tour details, click here; to register, click here.

For lots more information about the weekend’s activities, click here and here; to register for the rendezvous, click here.
Thanks, and look forward to seeing you in Gatlinburg,

Mike Bryant, Tennessee Council Chair
John Reinhardt, Great Smoky Mountain Chapter President
Rob Shane, Volunteer Operations Coordinator, TU National

© 2015 Trout Unlimited | Tennessee Council/ |


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by Ernest Hemingway

As you may already heard the Little River Spring Camp Out is the weekend of  Saturday May 6th. Which I am a little bummed about. I will have to missed it. (Daughter’s College Graduation)

I came across a story about a newspaper article Ernest Hemingway had written in the 1920’s about camping and sitting up a camp. In his writing he put a lot of emphasis on comfort and food. At the Little River camp outs there is also a lot of emphasis on comfort and food, that is another reason I am bummed.  The newspaper article is a great read which you can download form this (link).  If you are interested in going email Ernie Frey for more information on the camp out.

Good fishing

Joe <((((<

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March Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey


2017 GSMNP Fisheries Volunteer Sampling Schedule

Little River Clean-up is scheduled for March 25. As of this writing on March 9, the weather is predicted to be cloudy and in the high 60’s. Stan Starkey will be cooking the lunch and is preparing his famous pulled pork along with the old stand-by of hamburgers and hot dogs.  Come out and help with keeping our resources clean and maybe get some fishing in after lunch.

The Southeast Regional Trout Unlimited meeting will be the week- end of April 21 in Gatlinburg. Please try to attend if possible. There are some great speakers scheduled and it should be entertaining.  Mentors or “guides” may also be necessary to assist the visitors to the meeting with fishing in the area.You don’t have to show them your favorite fishing hole, just help them with Smoky Mountain fishing.

I would like to thank Wendy Teffeteller and her students from the Episcopal School of Knoxville for their presentation at last month’s meeting. It was great to see the enthusiasm of the students for a program that our chapter has put in place.


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