May Meeting

We will not be having a meeting this month,  our next meeting will be June 22 at Calhoun’s Maryville. Social hour starts at 6:00 and meeting at 7:00.


Ernie Frey

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All the schools are preparing for their releases to Little River at the Townsend KOA within the first three weeks of May. We are going to need some volunteers to help us with the various programs arranged for the students. In addition to releasing the trout, the Park Service will be providing a show and tell of caught trout (will need a couple of volunteers an hour prior to the schools arrival) a water quality testing station, and a bug identification station. Below is the schedule for each of the schools. Please check your calendars and let me know if you can help out for a couple of hours. I can be reached at


Thanks  Joyce


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March Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey


The Little River clean-up was a great success! Thanks to all the volunteers who came out and collected a pick-up truck full of trash. Special thanks to Stan Starkey who cooked this year. His pulled pork with homemade barbeque sauce was outstanding.

After March’s meeting, Hatchery Creek in Kentucky is on people’s fishing wish list. That meeting went a little long but with all the big fish pictures members enjoyed the presentation.

I have just come back from a steelhead fishing trip to Traverse City, Michigan. It is always fun to fish new water but hard to be successful on new water the first trip. A large Brown trout taught me a new lesson. You may not be snagged on the bottom. Make sure you play your hook set until you are sure it will not move


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