A short message for Little River Chapter, TU members.

LRCTU Board and Officer elections will be held at the December 7 meeting at Calhoun’s in Maryville. If any members are interested in Officer or Board positions, please contact Ernie Frey at ernest.frey@comcast.net. A description of the responsibilities for the Officer positions can be found in the TU Leadership Manual, Chapter 4 – Leader Position Descriptions.  The manual (Link).  Little River Chapter by-laws (Link).

Ernie Frey


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October Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey  



What a great fall camping trip! The fish were biting. The fall colors
were beginning to show. Saturday’s dinner was phenomenal. The
comradery was great. It rained on Sunday morning very early but it
wasn’t raining when we packed up. Several members of the Smoky
Mountain Chapter came camping this year. There will be at least two
more trips scheduled for next year so watch for the dates and plan to
come camping.
The next LRCTU meeting will be October 26 at Calhouns. Social
hour is from 6 to 7 pm. Business meeting starts at 7pm.
Because of the end of year holidays, our last meeting of the year will
be on December 7 which is out of sync but is necessary. In addition
to a guest speaker, we will also hold a silent or regular auction of any
items you might wish to donate to the club general fund for fund
raising. It doesn’t need to be fishing related, could be something you
just want to pass on. Start thinking about what you might want to

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LRCTU Annual Fall Camping Trip

The Fall camping trip is set for Cataloochee valley at the group camp site 1 from Oct 6 at 1:00pm till Oct 8 at 12:00am. It is always fun with great fishing and tall stories around the campfire. Remember the fire wood restriction in the park so bring 3 or 4 bundles of approved wood. Start planning to camp with us! q

Ernie Frey   


phone (865)-403-2832

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