Happy New Year!

With the start of the new year, the club is moving to a new meeting location and new date.  Our meetings will be moved to Barley’s Maryville.  We will meet in the upstairs meeting room, social hour starting at 6:00, meeting to start at 7:00.

Barley’s Maryville    http://barleysmaryville.com/

128 W. Broadway
Maryville, TN 37801

The first meeting will be Monday, Jan. 22nd

The following meetings will be on the fourth Tuesday of the month Feb. 27th, Mar. 27th, Apr. 24th, May 22nd, June 26th, Aug. 28th, Sept. 25th, Oct. 23rd and Dec.4th.  July’s meeting will be at River John’s, with a date still to be determined.

Keep checking our Website or Facebook page for meeting, program information.  Hope to see everyone there!


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Stream Guardian

Hello everyone

In an ongoing effort to try and keep our anglers aware of some of the projects we’ve been working on in the fisheries department at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, our seasonal staff worked on pulling together a fisheries newsletter, which they named the Stream Guardian.  The purpose of the newsletter is to inform folks about some of the work we’ve been focusing upon, provide links to results and reports, contact info for volunteer opportunities and also provide some general factoids and other interesting info about resources found within the park.

We hope you find it enjoyable and informative.  We hope to provide the newsletter at least bi-annually.  We welcome you sending it to whomever you would like.  Share the newsletter in your newsletter or through your club or chapter.  We would also like feedback on stories or types of articles you enjoyed, and those you don’t.  We hope to provide more in the future if people enjoy them.


Stream Guardian Link

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November / December Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey  



Because of the holidays, the end of the year meeting will be
held early this month on December 7th. Social hour starts
between 5:30 and 6:00 and the meeting will start at 7:00 at
Calhoun’s in Maryville. This meeting will be a silent auction
with the proceeds going to the Chapter. So dig in your closets
in the coming week and contribute the stuff you don’t use
anymore. It doesn’t have to be fishing related. Remember to
bring cash or a check.

On a personal level, I have discovered the Clinch River. What
a fun place to fish! But when I want to get away from people, I
will still be fishing in the Park.

December is the month to put forward the board nomination
for the officers of the chapter.

Here are the folks willing to volunteer time to support the chapter’s efforts:
The board nominations for officers are:
The board for 2018 will be:

President – Ernest Frey
Vice-president – vacant
Secretary – Jim Jeswald
Treasurer – Derrick White
Richard Barnes – Volunteer Coordinator
Mike Bryant – Past President
Jake Comstock – Communications
Steve Darnell
Joseph Hatton – Webmaster and Merchandizing
Joyce Frey – Membership & Trout in the Classroom Coordinator
Dan Munger – Programs and Meeting Coordinator
Stan Starkey
Pat Tully – Trip Coordinator
Steve Young – Financial Reviewer

The Vice-president position needs to be filled by a person who will be willing to move into the president position in 2019 and will be trained during the 2018 session. I am term limited out
after 2018.

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