October Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey  



Well, we just came back from the chapter fall camping trip. It was another fun camping experience. Smokemont campgrounds is always pleasant. Fishing was excellent
and the catching wasn’t too bad either. My karma must have caught up with me on Saturday. If it could have gone wrong, it went wrong. Luckily I didn’t break anything and I did catch fish. Thank you Pat Tully and the other campers for a great trip.

At the last meeting in September, members decided to go to a quarterly newsletter. That will start in January. Please feel free to write articles for the newsletter about your fishing or conservation experiences. You don’t have to be a Hemingway just a few paragraphs will do and we would rather have pictures anyway

Our next meeting will be October 23 at Barley’s in Maryville. Social hour starts at 6pm and meeting at 7pm. Because of the holidays, our November and December meetings will be on December 4. This meeting will be a silent auction. You bring the stuff you want to get rid of and the money goes to the chapter. This was a lot of fun last year and a lot of stuff changed hands.

We are still looking for nomination for chapter officers. We need a president, vice-
president and treasurer

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September Meeting

President’s Corner

Ernie Frey  



It’s September and summer is almost over.  Fishing is good and catching is improving.  I have heard good reports on both the Clinch and Little River.  Orange is the color of choice for flies with the coming of the fall or October caddis. A well drifted Adams will always catch fish.
Joyce and I just returned from Missoula, Montana.  This was our first hosted fly fishing trip, hosted by Richard Witt out of the Curtis Wright Fly Shop in Weaverville, NC.  All I can say is that it was a trip of life time. Can we say private chef!

Remember, Octobe5, 6 and 7 is the chapter camping trip Smokemont camp grounds. Please let Pat Tully know if you intend to go camping. There is some great fishing water in the area and camping is fun too.

September’s meeting will be Tuesday the 25th at Barley’s Maryville. Social hour starts at 6pm and the business meeting will start 7pm.  Will Davis will be doing a fly tying demonstration. Will is one of our young tiers and has an interesting take on fly tying.

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August Meeting

President’s Notes  

Ernie Frey  



Well it is August.  Fishing is good as always but catching is tough.  To catch, you have to fish early or late in the day and up high where the water is cooler.  Remember autumn is just a few weeks away so time may be better spent preparing for the fall season by tying flies or cleaning equipment.  The Little River Chapter has received an award from the Tennessee River Basin Network for our water quality sampling efforts.  I would like to thank Matt Culp of the Park Service for nominating the Chapter for the award; the founding members for developing the Chapter’s charter which is to assist the Fisheries Department of the Park and Charlie Chmieleski for all those years of coordinating the volunteer efforts.  Our August meeting will be on Tuesday the 28 th at Barley’s in Maryville. As usual, social hour will start 6pm, the business meeting at 7pm.  Jon Ellis, the manager of the Tellico Trout Hatchery has agreed to be the speaker at the August meeting.  He will be discussing the Tellico fishery both wild and stocked streams.  Joe Hatton will be leading the August meeting.

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