Category Archives: Uncategorized

Troutfest News

2015 Troutfest Banquet and Auction – ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT TO PURCHASE TICKETS!!   LINK Friday Night , April 24 at the Knoxville Airport Hilton Only two (2) weeks are left for everyone to purchase your Troutfest tickets!! Don’t miss … Continue reading

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Troutfest News

2015 Troutfest Banquet and Auction – Friday, April 24 at the Knoxville Airport Hilton Our 2015 Troutfest Banquet and Auction is only a month away! It will be a night of good times, great food and great opportunities to pick … Continue reading

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March Meeting

P r e s i d e n t ’ s C o r n e r Mike Bryant ( Newsletter 2015 GSMNP Fisheries Volunteer Sampling Schedule Well, I guess spoke a little too soon in last month’s President’s Corner … Continue reading

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