Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy New Year!

With the start of the new year, the club is moving to a new meeting location and new date.  Our meetings will be moved to Barley’s Maryville.  We will meet in the upstairs meeting room, social hour starting at 6:00, … Continue reading

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Stream Guardian

Hello everyone In an ongoing effort to try and keep our anglers aware of some of the projects we’ve been working on in the fisheries department at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, our seasonal staff worked on pulling together a fisheries … Continue reading

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November / December Meeting

President’s Corner Ernie Frey Newsletter Because of the holidays, the end of the year meeting will be held early this month on December 7th. Social hour starts between 5:30 and 6:00 and the meeting will start at 7:00 at … Continue reading

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