Author Archives: lrctu644

President’s Note – December 2023

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 LRCTU On-Line Auction Fundraiser.  This year’s auction raised over $9,500 which is a 60% increase from last year’s auction and over twice the amount raised in our initial auction … Continue reading

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President’s Note – November 2023

The annual LRCTU On-Line Auction Fundraiser begins on November 20th. Pleasekeep in mind the auction is more than just an opportunity to get a great deal. Moreimportantly, it is a chance to make a significant contribution to the FisheriesDepartment while … Continue reading

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President’s Note – October 2023

The third annual LRCTU On-Line Auction Fundraiser is quickly approaching. At least 80% of the auction proceeds will be donated to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fisheries Department. Please keep in mind the auction is more than just an … Continue reading

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